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Lola the Beast & Rollskateart Workshops, 29.11.-3.12.

We are getting a visit from two very special guest skaters again! Lola the Beast, founder of Rolalola Club and Alba Ferrer from Rollskateart come to Vienna and invite you to rhythm and artistic roller skating workshops. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from the best and skate together with us. The workshops are dedicated to different topics and skate styles and can be booked directly through the coaches.

There will be reduced workshop fees for members of Powerjam, but the workshops are in general open to all as long as spots are available. We are looking forward to your registrations!

All workshops take place at the Hernalser Gymnasium Geblergasse (entrance: Kalvarienberggasse 28, 1170 Vienna).

Lola the Beast – Rhythm Skating

Roll with Lola workshops are open to all levels! We encourage both beginners (you should have basic skating experience!) and intermediate/advanced skaters (who want to work on technique & groove) to join. Coach Lola will make sure that all participants work according to their level and thus can benefit from the workshops.

Wednesday, 29.11.

18:30-20:00: Rhythm skating – exploring steps and body groove

The purpose of the workshop is to slow down and focus on technique of basic steps in order to give our body a thorough understanding of the movement. We will drill a lot (yes, we’ll get sweaty) and create our own variations of steps together. Lola wants to motivate everyone to personalize the moves by adding their own personal flavour & variation.

15 min: of warm up: Cardio & strengthening exercises in order to prepare our body for skating
35 min: of drilling steps slowly, focusing on technique and rhythm
20 min: body exploration & groove
20 min: ‘skate dance lab’ where we work with creative techniques for freestyle

Music: hip hop & house

Registration & tickets: Roll with Lola 29.11., 18:30


20:30-22:00: Rhythm Skating & Floorwork

The purpose of the workshop is to work on the technique and elaborate the style of each skater by using steps that the skaters are already familiar with, by creating drills. The goal of Lola as a teacher is to exercise the understanding of the body and its physicality in order to develop our movement in a natural way. The first part of the class will be interactive and all about rhythm and micro-movements!! We will drill steps and put them together in a routine. Get ready to sweat a lot! 🙂 The second part of the workshop will focus on the basics of floorwork and floorwork drills.

15 min: of warm up: Cardio & strengthening exercises in order to prepare our body for skating
30 min: of drilling steps slowly building a routine
45 min: floor work exercises and drills

Music: hip hop & house

Registration & tickets: Roll with Lola 29.11., 20:30


20€ / workshop (PJ members)
30€ / workshop (non-members)


Rolleskateart – Artistic Skating

Alba’s workshops are designed to work on the skills and technical elements of roller skating. As a professional skater and as a coach, she goes into details and takes the individual skills of skaters into account in order to ensure their progress.

Friday, 1.12.

18:00-20:00: Technique & Jumps
The workshop is divided into two parts for beginners and advanced students. The difficulty of the workshop is based on the general level of the participants. So don’t be afraid to participate even if you are a beginner!

Schedule 1st hour: Beginners
=> Technique & Jumps
=> 15min dance (3 turns, Choctaw, Camel, C-Step, etc…)
=> 45 min jumps (Waltz jump, Salchow, Bunny Jump)

Schedule 2nd hour: (Slightly) Advanced
=> Technique & Jumps
=> 15min dance (Roker, Brakets, Choctaws…)
=> 45 min jumps (Salchow, Toe loop, Loop, Flip, Lutz, Axel…)

Sunday, 3.12.

15:00-17:00: Turns
The workshop is divided into two parts for beginners and advanced. The difficulty of the workshop is based on the general level of the participants. So don’t be afraid to participate even if you are a beginner!

1st hour: Beginners
=> Spins (2 Legs Spin, 1 Leg Spin)

2nd hour: (Slightly) Advanced
=> spins (1 Leg spin, Back spin, Outer Edge Spin, Sit Spin, Camel Spin…)

20€ / workshop (PJ members)
30€ / workshop (non-members)

Registration & Tickets: Rollskateart




18:30 - 20:00


Hernalser Gymnasium Geblergasse
Geblergasse 56, 1170 Wien